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Dwell in Possibility...

I recently found this picture online and it brought up a lot of feelings and memories for me. The company I used to work for over 3 years ago had a very similar painting in the break room. Every time I came in there to get some coffee, I would see it starring at me in the face with a little text at the bottom that read something like this: "dwell in possibility"... I would literally have an ache in my heart followed by a paralyzing feeling in my body. I'd imagine being by that lake in the nature, feeling healthy and vibrant, living a life with intention, serving and helping people change their lives for the better... then I’d come back to "reality", fill up my cup with stale coffee and go back to my desk to do the mundane activities I was getting a paycheck for.

Allow me to share some of my struggles of that time with you...

I spent many years of my life experiencing insomnia, anxiety, severe adrenal fatigue, hormonal imbalance, and a host of digestive issues. Things got so bad that I was sleeping on average 3 hours a night and having a negative reaction to almost everything I ate. I hit the rock bottom. I made a decision to put myself in charge of my own health and stop relying on the next doctor to give me the "magic pill".

I had worked with some of the most amazing people, but I just couldn't shake off the feeling that I was at the wrong place doing the wrong thing... So, my husband and I made a decision to quit our jobs and travel Europe for 4 months. It was scary not having a job and living it up to the Universe to give me clues and show me the way to move forward with my life. We traveled and spent the needed quality time with our families, enjoyed many journeys and adventures, laughed, and surprisingly really enjoyed the feeling of uncertainty. It was quite liberating actually.

During our travels, I stumbled upon the article about the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and I immediately knew this was the answer to my prayers! Once I got back to the US, I began studying nutrition to become a Certified Holistic Health Coach.

I quickly realized that the root cause of my many symptoms was stress and anxiety so the new chapter in my healing journey began – teacher training to become a Yoga Instructor. I turned inwards and searched for my truth and the missing piece of the puzzle for me was self-acceptance, sense of purpose and meaning in my life. Around that time, doTERRA essential oils came into my life; I began using them aromatically, topically, and internally for a myriad of health benefits. My life and my health started to transform.

In this process of soul-searching, I became a lot more intuitive about my health and about what I really wanted out of life and that intuition and many scary decisions led me to the happiest time of my life.

Today I feel better than I ever did! I have the most fulfilling career, I get to share what I’ve learned along my health journey and empower people to take control of their own life.

I share this story because I know that there are thousands of people out there desperately seeking ways to improve their life, health, and finances.

Email me if you want to be a part of our global team of wellness advocates. I'd be honored to show you how to not only improve your own health, but help others to do the same, and to have the financial freedom to do the things you've always dreamt of. Wether you are a health coach, yoga instructor, healer, stay at home mom, business owner, or unemployed, you can be a part of this beautiful team of people who are making a huge ripple effect in the world.

I pass by a beautiful lake during my run every morning and it often reminds me the lake from the painting I used to stare at the break room. My heart fills up with joy as I watch a beautiful sunrise over the lake, feel the warmth of the sun on my skin and cool wind in my hair. The decisions I made led me here and nothing I have now is a coincidence. Some people say that I am lucky to have found what I love doing, but it has nothing to do with luck. For me, it took a lot of steps into the unknown and sacrifices to finally get here.

If this story touches or inspires you in any way, please don't hesitate to reach out to me or leave a comment. Wether you feel stuck in your life, career, or want to improve your health, I would love to chat :).

I’ll leave you with this: bucket lists are not just for midlife crisis. You can do whatever you want with your life RIGHT NOW! It all starts with the single step, listen to your inner voice and it will lead you to pure bliss!

Dwell in possibility... The opportunities are infinite.

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